Unexpected Fire Teaching Series

Dr. Wyns now offers Unexpected Fire as a 32 part teaching series. This powerful new study on the book of Revelation comes as a 16 CD set, complete with carry case.

$100.00 (USD)

Each CD contains two 30-minute teachings.

Teachings include:

  1. Introduction
  2. Revelation is about Jesus Christ
  3. The Church and the Tribulation Period
  4. The Throne Room and the Almighty
  5. The Seraphim, Elders, and People in Heaven
  6. The Lion of Judah and His Angels
  7. The Great Tribulation and the Four Horses
  8. The Glory of the Martyrs and Hell on Earth
  9. Two Amazing Revivals
  10. The Altar of Prayer
  11. The First Four Trumpets
  12. The Three Woes
  13. Demons at the Euphrates River
  14. Your Part in the Great Tribulation
  15. Identifying the Two Witnesses
  16. The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses
  17. The Woman and the Dragon
  18. Satan is Cast Down
  19. Identifying the Beast
  20. The Government and the Power of the Beast
  21. The False Prophet
  22. An Extraordinary Anointing
  23. The Greatest Revival
  24. The Wrath of God and the Sea of Glass
  25. The Seven Bowls of Wrath
  26. Identifying the Great Prostitute
  27. The Fall of Babylon
  28. The Hallelujah Chorus
  29. Is the Rapture Real?
  30. The Second Coming
  31. The New Millennium
  32. The Great White Throne and Eternity

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© Peter Wyns 2009